More than 100 school principals from Blagoevgrad Region participated in training on online safety and digital and media competencies which took place on 9 May in the town of Bansko.
The training was held within a two-days conference meeting of the school principals co-organised by the Regional Department of Education of Blagoevgrad Region of the Ministry of Education and Science. Bulgarian SIC’s experts from the Applied Research and Communications (ARC) Fund introduced the school principals to the main online risks for children and provided them with useful data and statistics. The trainers also presented useful tools for prevention of online risks and development of digital and media competences of students elaborated by the Bulgarian Safer Internet Centre, such as educational videos, Kahoot quizzes and methodology guides for teachers such as “Guide for critical thinking and tolerence” and “Competence approach in practice”.
The school principals were also introduced to DigComp framework for digital literacy and the SIC’s concept of digital and media literacy as well as to the holistic model for development of key competencies at school elaborated by the Bulgarian Safer Internet Centre.
A new methodology for countering hate speech online elaborated by the SIC’s partner Sofia Development Association was also presented to the participants.
During two discussion sessions the school principlals shared experience, best practicies and case studies from their schools.
The conference and training of school principals was provided with the support of the Disney Company.