Seven district schools took part in the initiative organised by the Local Commission for Combating Antisocial Behaviour by Minors and Adolescents – Poduyane and the Bulgarian Safer Internet Centre between 27.04 and 23.05.2022. Antoaneta Vasileva, an expert at the Safer Internet Centre, conducted a number of trainings for students between fifth and sixth grade. They learnt the rules of ethical and safe behaviour while online (“netiquette”), as well as, which are the main risks on the internet and how to recognise them.
Among the discussions were the most popular applications, games and challenges on the internet, the importance to balance your time online and offline, how the students can protects themselves from risky situations and what to do if anything happens to them. They learnt where and how to report an online problem, how to record evidence and to block internet users who bully them online.
The students also trained how to use the Hotline and the Helpline of the Bulgarian Safer Internet Centre if they wish to report a problem.