On October 27 and 28, 30 new students from the fifth and sixth grades of Sofia’s “Count Ignatyev” 6th Primary School had a two-day training under the Cyberscout programme.
During the first day, the children learned about the main risks online and the appropriate ways to protect themselves through interactive game methods. Both technical dangers – such as viruses and malware and the risks associated with communicating with others online (such as contacting strangers, online bullying, etc.) were addressed. The topic of fake news and misinformation was also covered and provoked a lot of meaningful discussions.
During the second day of the training, the children got to know in more detail and practise the three roles of a Cyberscout – to set an example of responsible and safe behaviour on and off the Internet, to advise peers on online problems and, together with other cyber scouts, to plan and implement activities to transfer knowledge about online safety to peers and younger children. The students created different projects, including a real website with basic online safety tips.
A teacher training was also held on 27 October. The teachers had the opportunity to learn more about the main risks for children on the Internet, important statistical information on the topic, as well as tools and methodologies developed by the Bulgarian SIC that could be useful for them in developing students’ digital-media literacy and online safety topics.
The training was held with the support of the Disney company.