Training teachers in prevention of hate speech
On September 8, 2015, a team of experts from the Applied Research and Communications Fund held a training for 30 ...
On September 8, 2015, a team of experts from the Applied Research and Communications Fund held a training for 30 ...
Over 60 children, adolescents and adults took part in the Conference "Dos and Don'ts.. For a Few Likes More", which...
Read moreНационалният център за безопасен интернет се управлява от СНЦ "Асоциация Родители" и беше създаден през 2005 г. от фондация „Приложни изследвания и комуникации“ и СНЦ "Асоциация Родители" в рамките на програма "Безопасен интернет" на ЕК.The Bulgarian Safer Internet Centre is founded and operated by the Applied Research and Communications Fund and Parents Association.