Since it was established in 2005, the Bulgarian Safer Internet Centre has been developing and implementing different methodologies and materials for training of children, parents and professionals from different backgrounds. The aim of these trainings is to help children of different ages to protect themselves from the numerous online risks. The trainings are carried out by teams, consisting of 2 to 4 experts, who work at the two main organisations operating the Centre: Applied Research and Communications Fund and Association Parents.
“Prevention of virtual and real violence through interactive education in school.” The main aim of interactive lessons is to help students to become aware of, understand and protect themselves against risks and violence, both on and offline. The training is designed to improve the skills of teachers to conduct interactive classes based on two manuals, containing a total of 44 topics, which they can use in class.
“Empowering fathers, empowering children” A number of studies have shown that children whose fathers are actively involved in their personal development have higher grades, better social skills, are more adaptive and enjoy the time spent at school more. This training aims to improve the knowledge of participants about the importance of the father figure in a child’s life, help teachers develop better skills for working with fathers and help them develop activities to encourage active participation of fathers in their children’s school life.
“Children, parents and teachers against hate speech and discrimination.” Due to the constant development of mobile technologies, children from a very young age encounter online messages and publications containing hate speech or discriminatory views. This training aims to develop the sensitivity of teachers and school staff towards discrimination and hate speech, raise their skills to deliver interactive lessons to the students, in order to help the youngsters develop their cultural and social skills, and to increase parental participation in the school life of their children.
Depending on the age and skills of the children, we offer different trainings: open lessons with a single class of students or open lessons with more than one class.

“Risks and opportunities online” (evening session for parents): This session aims to improve the skills of parents to recognize online risks and signs of problematic usage of the Internet, and to promote positive online behaviour. Parents are also informed where they can report, ask for help or find further information about a problem they might face.